What You Should Know About Vasectomy Treatment

The vasectomy procedure is a permanent form of birth control for men. It involves cutting or blocking each of the two vas deferens tubes, preventing sperm from passing through and mixing with semen (which then passes out during an orgasm). Unlike tubal ligation for women (aka a hysterectomy), vasectomy does not leave a scar or affect a man’s sex drive or testosterone levels.

A vasectomy is typically performed in a doctor’s office or an outpatientĀ Vasectomies in Winnipeg surgery center using local anesthesia. The procedure can take about 30 minutes.

There are several types of vasectomies, but all are designed to reduce or prevent sperm from entering the semen. This is referred to as “vaso-occlusion.”

Most forms of vasectomy have been shown to be effective in preventing pregnancy, but some may not have the same level of effectiveness as others. The type of vasectomy you choose depends on your preference and the availability of different options in your area.

Your doctor will explain the benefits and risks of each method, including any potential side effects. He will also ask you to sign a form stating that you understand the risks and that the procedure isn’t guaranteed to be successful.

Many patients are interested in vasectomy because they want a long-term, reliable form of birth control. However, it’s important to talk to a partner about the procedure and consider how it might affect your relationship. It’s also important to think about whether you want or need children, as a vasectomy will remove your ability to father future children.

Before the vasectomy, you should shave your entire groin and scrotum. Use a disposable razor and be sure to get the area as clean as possible. During the operation, your doctor will use a small sterile cloth to wipe away any blood or oozing from the area. Change the dressing when it becomes stained or soiled, usually within a day.

After the procedure, you’ll have a short recovery period and should be back to work or other regular activities in less than a week. You might experience some scrotal discomfort for the first 72 hours, but this can be relieved with a warm water bath or ice packs. You might also take acetaminophen or ibuprofen, depending on your pain tolerance.

You should continue to use other birth control methods until your doctor tells you that your semen is sterile. You’ll need to have a semen test two to three months after your vasectomy. If the result meets American Urological Association guidelines, you’re considered a sterile man. Sperm can remain in your semen for weeks or even months after a vasectomy, so you’ll need to have a test done again at least every other month until it’s clear that your semen is no longer containing sperm. Then you can stop using other birth control methods.